Only the following individuals shall be permitted in the Lounge.
- All members of The American Legion, the Ladies Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion showing a current paid up membership card.
- Non-members of Post 130, including outside members of the American Legion, the Ladies Auxiliary, Sons of the American Legion, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. These guests must sign the Guest Book and show a current paid up membership card from their respective organizations.
- All guests must be accompanied and sponsored by a member of the American Legion, Ladies Auxiliary or Sons of the American Legion and must sign the Guest Book. Members are responsible for the conduct of their guests and may not leave the lounge before their guests depart.
- Members are strictly responsible for the conduct of minor children and children of visiting guests.
- By law, no person under the age of 21 years of age will be seated at the lounge bar.
- No person under the age of 18 years of age is permitted to play shuffleboard in the small hall.
- No person under the age of 21 years of age is allowed in the lounge after 9:00 pm.
NO FIREARMS ARE ALLOWED ON PREMISES. Please leave your firearms in your vehicle. NO EXCEPTIONS!! You will be asked to leave, or the police will be contacted.
Members and guests are expected to wear neat and clean attire and be completely dressed. Shoes must be worn at all times.
Members and guests are kindly requested to keep the Post Home clean and tidy. Please use trash cans for all trash.
Loud, boisterous or profane language will not be tolerated in the lounge and Post Home by members or their guests.
Post 130 Officers and members will not discuss Post 130 Legion business in the lounge.
The opening and closing of the Post Home and Lounge shall be determined by the Post Commander and the Post Home Operating Committee Chairman.
The operation of the Post Home and Lounge shall be determined by the Post Home Operating Committee subject to the rules and regulations set forth by the Board of Liquor License Commissioners of Baltimore County.
Last Call wil be sounded 30 minutes prior to closing time. At the end of the 30 minutes, the lounge is closed and all drinks will be removed from the bar.
If there are 3 or less patrons in the lounge, the bartender has the option to call "Last Call".
No person is permitted in any area other than the lounge and small hall without permission of the duty bar person or Post Officer member present.
Any member or guest removing, damaging or destroying property of the American Legions shall pay for such damage.
No Post Home property shall be loaned or removed from the Post Home without permission of the Home Operating Committee member in charge. A receipt must be signed and filed for all borrowed property.
Members will not be permited in the small hall and/or main hall during a rental unless employed to work.
Absolutely no alcoholic beverages may be removed from or brought into the Post Lounge. (Exception: Alcohol may be taken out the back door to the picnic and patio areas when purchased in the lounge).
Dogs or other pets are not allowed in the Post Home.
Lending of Post funds is strictly prohibited.
Employees will stay in a sober condition at all times when on duty. Any Home Committee member observing any employee not in condition to handle Post funds or property has the authority to replace that employee without question from the employee. Such action will be immediately reported to the Home Committee Chairman and shall be acted upon at the next Home Operating Committee Meeting.
The duty bar persons are responsible for the receipts during their tour of duty. No one is allowed behind the bar to operate the cash register or Lottery register without the duty bar person's permission. Further, no other person is allowed behind the bar except the Commander, the Home Committee Chairman, Hall Rental Agent, Bar Captain, Finance Officer, or any post officer present in the lounge.